Fasting cure

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Fasting cure


Our Liquid Detox Diet is available for groups at given times by the hotel; we can secure the diet in German and Hungarian!

Dr. Otto Buchinger, who founded the Clinic in Witzenhausen on 4th July 1920 knew that many – mainly chronic – diseases can be cured or at least relieved by fasting.
He called fasting “the royal road of healing” if carried out under expert medical supervision and in a good atmosphere.

The Buchinger fastening means the consistent abstinence from consuming solid food and consumer goods of one’s own free will for a given period of time.

This classical natural healing method provides the opportunity to overcome numerous acute and chronic illnesses right at their roots and is almost always successful in relieving or completely curing them.

Everyone should have knowledge about fasting. It is essential to know that we are temporarily capable of living without any food, and then eating more modestly than before. Over the age of 30 everyone is recommended to fast every now and then, since in our modern world and the consequence of our way of life it is necessary and recommended to have an ordinary general check-up, a “thorough cleansing”. Everyone knows that prevention is better than cure.

The aim of the cure:

To dismount the unnecessary deposits that had been accumulated through the years
Remove water products from body organs, cells and body liquids, the breaking down of harmful metabolic waste products
Regenerate body, soul and intellectual faculties
Its main aim is not to lose weight, but to get rid of the excess material (e.g. excess fat, high cholesterol / blood lipid level, high blood sugar, etc.)

Fasting = Life without food

The switch from eating to fasting is automatic, the programmes are self-run. Non-eating is incomparably easier than eating less. Our body is not starving because it uses its inner energy supplies. Until these deposits are exhausted, the body can fast. Body organs in those who are healthy work as safely and automatically a sin other circumstances.

Golden Rule: The cure does not mean starving – anyone starving during fasting is on the wrong way of doing it, so does not fast.

The 5 golden rules of fasting:

✓ Do not eat, only drink
✓ Give up everything that is not vital (smoking, alcohol, sweets, coffee, certain medicaments)
✓ Get away from everyday life
✓ Natural behaviour (do as you feel like appropriate)
✓ Activate the mechanisms of excretion (regular evacuation of the intestines, flush through the kidneys, air lungs, care our skin and mucous membrane)
(Excretion through the intestinal system: The task of the digestive system is on the one hand the intake of nutrition and on the other hand the excretion of waste-containing substances. During fasting it functions primarily as an excretory organ. During fasting all the sluices of our body are open. The fasting system is trying to get rid of the remnants of metabolism and the waste-containing substances that have accumulated over the years through every opening and pore.)


The fastest, the most pleasant and the safest method for those who want to get rid of excess weight
✓ it teaches how to eat modestly
✓ it helps eliminate drug addiction
✓ it makes cleansed body parts pain-free
✓ it makes the skin look beautiful
✓ it is the most effective detoxifying method
✓ it helps retain physical and intellectual faculties
✓ it helps prevent premature ageing processes


✓ Heart and cardiovascular diseases
✓ Metabolic diseases
✓ Digestive system diseases
✓ Immune system problems

During fasting it is important to have a rest 3 times a day:

Our body needs time to break down, build-up and restructure metabolic processes.

Afternoon liver pack
Night rest
This is not a “zero diet” but the detoxification of the body with a low calorie liquid cure. It can be booked for periods indicated by the hotel!

Details of our Fasting cure